Tiles for home with Azuliber

In line with Grupo Azuliber’s philosophy of environmental protection and supporting sustainable development, the collections contained in the Natural Porcelain section include unique, highly-technical products that set us apart from our competitors in a multitude of aspects.

Tiles for home with Azuliber
 Azuliber started out in 1972 as a producer of bisques (unglazed clay bodies). In 1988, an atomized red clay production plant was inaugurated to gradually take over from bisque production. During the same period, the company also installed three successive electric cogeneration power turbines. In 1995, it installed a kiln to begin producing red floor tiles and followed this up with a second kiln just four years later. Further additions made to the company’s production facilities included the installation of three spray dryers for white and porcelain clay bodies in 1998 and 1999. Since 1995, Azuliber has developed a wide range of glazed red tiles and porcelain tiles - both glazed and unglazed through-body tiles produced using different methods.
Tiles for home with Azuliber
Azuliber also offers a ceramic sludge collection and recycling service to more than 30 companies in the sector, thus eliminating one of the main contaminants in our industry. Proof of this is the huge amount of ceramic sludge collected during last year: more than 170 million kg, the recycling cost of which would have been immense, had Azuliber not offered this service. As a fundamental part of Azuliber´s envionmental, the company received an award fron the Integrated Environmental Authority (AAI) last May. This entity aims to avoid, reduce and control contamination of the atmosphere, water and earth through the establishment of a system of prevention and integrated contamination control. This authority aims to reach a high level of environmental protection within its surroundings.
Tiles for home with Azuliber
  • Tiles for home with Natural Porcelain:

Natural Porcelain Carzola Caldera
Natural Porcelain Carzola Caldera
Natural Porcelain Chiva
Natural Porcelain Chiva
Natural Porcelain Querol Arena
Natural Porcelain Querol Arena
 In line with Grupo Azuliber’s philosophy of environmental protection and supporting sustainable development, the collections contained in the Natural Porcelain section include unique, highly-technical products that set us apart from our competitors in a multitude of aspects.
Tiles for home with Natural Porcelain
 Azuliber’s natural porcelain collections are made from local Spanish clays which, in conjunction with the constant concern of our technical department for the use of our resources in an environmentally-friendly manner that is capable of providing solutions, results in pieces that are dense and strong, exceeding in many cases those products produced by extrusion.
Tiles for home with Natural Porcelain
 The result is a high-performance, attractive and warm collection with a natural appearance.
Tiles for home with Natural Porcelain
  • Tiles for home with Porcelain Stoneware:

Porcelain Stoneware Arene Sand
Porcelain Stoneware Arene Sand
Porcelain Stoneware Bristol Perla
Porcelain Stoneware Bristol Perla
Porcelain Stoneware Fossil Marfil Semipulido
Porcelain Stoneware Fossil Marfil Semipulido
 Azuliber’s porcelain stoneware range is divided into different categories based on each product’s appearance, texture, application and design.
Tiles for home with Porcelain Stoneware
 From slates, cements and minimalist stones to marbles, quartzite and unique pieces such as our Star collection or our 45x45 formats and designs. Neither have we overlooked the most elegant, exclusive tastes, which are catered for in the form of gloss, polished and semi-polished finishes and our multi-format modular products.
Tiles for home with Porcelain Stoneware
 Outdoor and indoor solutions that meet the aesthetic demands of a consumer who changes and adapts to the current times.
Tiles for home with Porcelain Stoneware
  • Tiles for home with Wall tiles:

Wall tiles Composicion Spa Mcm
Wall tiles Composicion Spa Mcm
Wall tiles Decor Bonn Spa
Wall tiles Decor Bonn Spa
Wall tiles Hexagon Thar
Wall tiles Hexagon Thar
Wall tiles Thar Grafito
Wall tiles Thar Grafito
Wall tiles Tubo Thar Grafito
Wall tiles Tubo Thar Grafito
 The new requirements of an increasingly demanding and variable market have led Grupo Azuliber to adopt the decision this year to cover different spaces, such as wall claddings, in the form of a unique collection of modern, versatile products displaying up-to-date color schemes.
Tiles for home with Wall tiles
 Azuliber has always believed in listening to its clients, in sharing the day-to-day sales process and in helping you with your proposals. For this reason, along with these new collections our website features a program that allows our products to be presented in different combinations, thus providing the client with service he/she deserves. By using the easy-to-use and creative Virtual Decor program, you are able to offer thousands of different decorative alternatives. They invite you to immerse yourself in this new design tool, created especially for you.
Tiles for home with Wall tiles
 They hope that these initiatives will enable them to strengthen our collaboration and provide you with the solutions you need.
Tiles for home with Wall tiles
  • Tiles for home with Stoneware ceramic tiles:

Stoneware Ceramic Tiles Tabla Cerezo
Stoneware Ceramic Tiles Tabla Cerezo
Stoneware Ceramic Tiles Tabla Roble
Stoneware Ceramic Tiles Tabla Roble
Stoneware Ceramic Tiles Berlin Blanco
Stoneware Ceramic Tiles Berlin Blanco
 Traditional stoneware, which has always been and always will be an Azuliber standard. Rustic, modern, versatile formats and textures suitable for any home.
Tiles for home with Stoneware ceramic tiles
 Since its inception, Grupo Azuliber has consolidated its position as a leader in the manufacturing and marketing of ceramic tiles. Special emphasis is placed on our stoneware products, the characteristics, design and components of which make it easier to uphold their environmental commitment.
Tiles for home with Stoneware ceramic tiles



Bathroom Tiles Design,16,Living room-Bedroom-Kitchen Tiles Design,38,Other Space Tiles Design,17,Outdoor Tiles Design,9,Tiles design with other effect,27,Tiles design with stone effect,35,Tiles design with wood effect,13,Tips and Design Ideas,3,
Floor & Wall Tiles Design Ideas: Tiles for home with Azuliber
Tiles for home with Azuliber
In line with Grupo Azuliber’s philosophy of environmental protection and supporting sustainable development, the collections contained in the Natural Porcelain section include unique, highly-technical products that set us apart from our competitors in a multitude of aspects.
Floor & Wall Tiles Design Ideas
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